Owode Market Fire: Victims Receive Second Phase of Donations from MOK Foundation


Owode Market Fire: Victims Receive Second Phase of Donations from MOK Foundation


In its continuous outstanding act of generosity, the Muhydeen Okunlola Kayode (MOK) Foundation has once again extended its support to the victims of the recent devastating fire at Owode Market, Offa.

This second phase of donations provides crucial aid to those affected, following an initial contribution of about 1.8 million naira.

The foundation’s quick and effective response to the disaster has been a lifeline for the victims. The additional funds reaffirm the foundation’s dedication to helping the affected families recover, especially after it was confirmed that the initial donation was used appropriately.

The MOK Foundation’s ongoing support provides a beacon of hope for the community, showing that they are not forgotten in their time of need. This continued generosity highlights the foundation’s commitment to giving back, inspiring others with their compassion and kindness in times of crisis.

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