Category Education

We’re thrilled to share an update on our collaboration with One Innovation Hub (ONEIH) in Offa, Kwara State!

Ten beneficiaries are enrolled in various tech courses like front-end development, back-end development, UI/UX design, and more.

The first month has been a journey of learning! Here’s a look at their progress:

Front-end development: Participants mastered HTML and are now diving into CSS. They’re even tackling projects that involve replicating websites!

UI/UX design: These budding designers are exploring design principles, Figma software, and creating mini-projects to hone their skills.

We’re incredibly proud of everyone’s dedication!

While some participants are excelling, we recognize that everyone learns at their own pace. We’ll be providing additional support to some students and making adjustments to optimize the program for all.

This initiative is empowering young minds with the skills they need to succeed in the tech industry. We can’t wait to see what amazing things they create next!


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