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In his continuous efforts to secure transformers in Offa, Muhydeen Okunlola Kayode (MOK) Foundation has distributed more solar-powered street lights to 18 areas in Offa community.

The Foundation known for her philanthropic and charity gestures embarked on lighting projects in Offa to curb the intermittent transformer cable vandalization in the community.

The gestures have been widely acknowledged and commended by commuters who are residents in the area where the transformers are located.

Commending MOK, one of the beneficiaries representing Afelele Area, Mr. Kasali acknowledged the massive intervention of MOK Foundation in the community, he prayed for the founder to continue to progress as he helps the people at the grassroots.

Also, another representative of Haji-Alah area simply identified as Mummy Bukky thanked MOK Foundation for the kind gestures. She prayed for the continuous progress and breakthrough of MOK in all his endeavors.

Other beneficiaries in different climes lauded the MOK Foundation for bringing succor to the grassroots and rendering helping hands to the less privileged through different philanthropic interventions.

Speaking on the recent solar project, one of the executives of MOK, Mr. Tewogbola Moshood noted that the Solar Powered Project is one of the interventions of the Foundation to contribute to the development of the community and totally stop the cases involving vandalization of power cables. He added that the Foundation’s charity spread across to the less privileged in Offa and Oyun communities.

Speaking further, Mr. Moshood affirmed that the MOK is not relenting efforts in assisting the masses within his capacities.

The beneficiaries of the recent solar streetlights distribution include:

Iwalewa Area Transformer, ODU Secretariat Area Transformer, Avalon Junction Transformer, Amuyo Area 2 Transformer, Amuyo Area 3 Transformer, Pennywise Area Transformer, Government Day Secondary School Area Transformer, Moremi Secondary School Area Transformer, Akoye enroute Chief Imam Area Transformer, National Open University Area Igosun Road Transformer, Abisam Area Transformer, Igosun Road, Babalasun Sawmail Area Transformer Igosun Road, Agun Roundabout Transformer, Afelele River Side Transformer, Afelele Area 2, Haji-Alah Transformer, G.R.A 2 Transformer, Okin fm Area 1 Transformer, Khalwa Mosque Area Transformer, Ipee Road, front of Captaon Cook, Owode Area 2 Transformer.

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