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To every community that has witnessed thunderstorms their story never remains the same, in the wee hours of April 12 Igbona town was ravaged by a thunderstorm that rendered many homeless, although no life was lost during the unfortunate incident that damaged properties, after crying out government officials, civil society organization, individuals and Non-Governmental Organization have visited the town to commiserate and access the loss to bring back reliefs to the people whose properties were damaged. 

Alhaji Muhydeen Okunlola Kayode the founder of the Foundation for Community Development “MOK Foundation” has donated iron sheets to the victims of the life-wrecking occurrence, while receiving the bundles of iron sheets in Igbona town, the National President of Igbona Descendant Progressive Union (IDPU) Alhaji Adeniyi Suleiman appreciated the MOK Foundation for always reaching out to the good people of the town, speaking on behalf of the sons and daughters in Ignona town said “The unfortunate incident ravaged the entire town, the remains of the ravaged buildings are not ideal for animals not to talk of human beings, victims left their houses to sleep at friends or family houses “ 

Alhaji Adeniyi continued “ I acknowledge the previous support that MOK Foundation has given to our people, ranging from empowerment to illumination of our community, uplifting our agrarian and awarding scholarships to our local students, so we are not surprised for the provision of the iron sheet because of MOK antecedents in helping humanity, may Allah in his infinite mercy continue to bless him” he concluded. 

Also, the Chief Imam of Igbona Land Mallam Abdulwahab Yusuf attested to the passion of the MOK Foundation when it comes to serving humanity, he prayed for the founder QS Muhydeen Okunlola Kayode and everyone who loves to help, he, however, pleaded for successful individuals to add to the provision that MOK made for the people of Igbona. In the same vein, the Igbona Community Chairman Alhaji Azeez Bello expressed the shock witnessed by the community when the thunderstorm struck “ I have never witnessed such ravaging rainfall in the history of Igbilona town, this is indeed a trying time for all of us, MOK came to our rescue, may all that concern him continue to flourish.” 

Beneficiaries react 

It was a devastating moment for Mr. Yekini Oluode whose family house’s roof was completely removed by the ravaging storm, after the unfortunate incident he had been scouting with friends and family causing inconvenience for himself and the host, he however prayed for the founder of MOK Foundation Alhaji Muhydeen Okunlola Kayode for his timely response to the pains of the victims. 

With a heavy heart, Mallam Adeniran Rahman expresses his pain for the ravage caused by the storm on his near-completion mosque “ We started building the mosque not quite long with donations from our Islamiyat students and lovers of Islam In Ignoma town, it was a sad moment for me seeing the mosque collapsed right before my eyes, I want to use this moment to pray for the entire members of MOK Foundation for the assistant provided, I also call on the good people of Kwara State to help us, we are in agony “ he concluded. 

It was not a different story from Mrs. Fausat Salami “After the thunderstorm, many people came to access the gravity but none of them reached back to the victims, I am happy that the MOK Foundation has decided to help us again, we have previously enjoyed their numerous programs, almighty God will continue to protect them” 

Ummu Ani 78 is an old woman, her house was completely damaged, and she is suffering from an eye problem, she prayed fervently for MOK who decided to help them when all hope seemed to be lost, she recounted how the thunderstorm turned her to a refugee, she called on helpers within and outside the state to continue from MOK step. 

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